Success and perseverance: let’s not give up!

Dear friends,

Thanks to the delegates of the General Council and the Forum of Parents of special needs children for your presence on Saturday! Your comments and suggestions will help guide the FCPQ on many ongoing issues. I always enjoy discussing with you what is happening in your communities.

During this event, I had the pleasure of welcoming Katherine Korakakis, president of English Parents’ Committee Association, who took part in our exchanges. We also received the Minister of Education, Bernard Drainville, who spoke about his priorities and answered questions from participants. Thanks to our special guests for joining us!

Two weeks ago, Mr. Drainville revealed his priorities for education and we had the opportunity to applaud his intentions, but also to highlight a few additional issues where action is critical. First, students need to be better protected from violence and bullying. Young people need to feel safe and secure in all their environments, including school. Second, parents need to be involved and equipped to promote their commitment to the success of their children and to the school community. Finally, educational services, including childcare, as well as school transportation, an essential service for parents, must be provided. Solutions must be found so that 100% of students can attend school and have every opportunity to reach their full potential.

Espace publicitaire

In the same spirit, the month of February is the perfect time to promote success and perseverance: the Hooked on School Days are coming up! I invite you to participate in the activities offered in your community, and especially to encourage your kids to persevere in their educational path, either by taking the time to have a conversation or by carrying out a stimulating activity as a family.

I would like to conclude by inviting parents who sit on a Governing Board or a Parents’ Committee to consider putting an item on their agenda to confirm their participation to the 2nd edition of the National Parental Involvement in Education Week and to nominate the committed parents they would like to acknowledge!

Thanks to you all!

Nos services-conseils

Vous pouvez communiquer avec nous pour toute question concernant :

  • Les instances de participation parentale
  • La Loi sur l’instruction publique
  • La réussite de votre enfant
  • Le bien-être de votre enfant à l’école
  • Les problèmes de communication avec l’école

Foire aux questions

Comment favoriser la persévérance scolaire?
Mon enfant est impliqué dans une situation d’intimidation à l’école, où puis-je trouver de l’aide?
Mon enfant a des besoins particuliers et il va entrer à l’école, que faire?

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Pour tous les parents intéressés par l’éducation et l’engagement parental.

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