Violence: let’s talk about it and take action!

Dear parents,

It’s been a difficult month of October on the news front, with Israeli-Palestinian clashes and violent events reported in schools across Quebec. Our youth can pick up on this news, whether it’s because they’re interested in current events, because they see it on social apps, or because they hear about it at school or in their social circle. It’s important to talk about subjects that can be difficult with our children, to help them see clearly and detect fake news, and also to educate them in civil behavior and respect for others. If you think your child is involved in a situation of violence or bullying, whether as a victim, witness or perpetrator, I invite you to consult the guide that the Federation has created for parents. This guide is available in English. Parents are responsible for their children’s education.

That being said, we were eagerly awaiting the presentation of the Minister of Education’s plan to address violence in schools. Unfortunately, the plan presented at the end of October contains no details on its implementation, nor any measures for immediate action. Taking action against violence in schools is a priority, and parents are ready to help. We look forward to receiving more information on the plan, including templates for anti-bullying and anti-violence plans, as well as additional measures to prevent and address sexual violence.

On another note, I’d like to wish the newly elected representatives on their School Board or Service Center’s Parents’ Committee a great mandate! I’d like to take this opportunity to thank them, as these parents do remarkable and essential volunteer work in the school network. Did you know? Parents’ Committees have seven functions, as defined in article 192 of the Education Act.  

The performance of these functions contributes to the smooth running of the school network, the involvement of parents and the attention paid to the needs of the community.

Parents’ committees notably adopt resolutions and submit opinions that have a positive influence on their communities. La Presse recently reported on the CSS des Bois-Francs Parents’ Committee, whose resolution led to the production of a guide on the use of screens as a reward in the CSS. This success story is just one example of the work that parents’ committees carry out as volunteers for their communities and, above all, with students’ interests at heart.

Espace publicitaire

I’d like to end this note with a wish: we hope that an agreement will soon be reached between school personnel and the government to avoid further strike days. The lack of educational services caused by the strikes, but also by the lack of staff since the start of the year, are a major concern for everyone.

I wish you a great month of November!

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  • Les instances de participation parentale
  • La Loi sur l’instruction publique
  • La réussite de votre enfant
  • Le bien-être de votre enfant à l’école
  • Les problèmes de communication avec l’école

Foire aux questions

Comment favoriser la persévérance scolaire?
Mon enfant est impliqué dans une situation d’intimidation à l’école, où puis-je trouver de l’aide?
Mon enfant a des besoins particuliers et il va entrer à l’école, que faire?

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